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Friday 9 October 2015

Sandy's Trip #11: Contributing back to society - Cabramatta

Good Food Month

Hello to all fellow Travel squatters :)

Last week, a friend and I decided to volunteer for Good Food Month at Cabramatta.
For those who don't know about Good Food Month, It basically allows individuals to discover the vibrant cuisines of Southeast Asia, in Cabramatta. There were many stalls that shared their signature dishes like Pho, dumplings and crispy chicken. It was a great festival to attend especially if you wanted to learn about the Vietnamese cultures or simply, to just have fun and participate in the games that were set up.

Signature Vietnamese Dish - Pho

As volunteers we all had to wear the traditional vietnamese conical hats called Non La. 

Squatting with my gigantic chess horse XD

Trolling another fellow volunteer :)
These are some of the traditional plants that Vietnamese uses as ingredients, in their signature dishes. 
Overall, it was a great experience to travel into Cabramatta and watch individuals have fun whilst, engaging in the culture that we had brought to them. I recommend for everyone to give back to society by giving up some time and, surround themselves in a culture that they can learn from and have fun in. 

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